Step 1
Your Career Preferences
Welcome to Career DNA, your first step towards career clarity. Let’s get to know you better.
Current Location
Where are you currently located
Preferred Industry
We will prioritise this industry in our insights and job recommendations.
Preferred Job Position
Preferred Job Type
Employment Status
Whether you’re currently seeking a job or just looking for insights
Recent Universities
Universities Attended
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Step 2
Your Career History
Enter your current or latest job to start viewing your tailored insights.
Can't find your employer? You can
add it to the list. ↗
Job Position
Can't find your job position? Select the most similar option, or
request it. ↗
Job Industry
Job Location
Your total compensation including salary, benefits etc.
Start Date
End Date
This is my current job
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Request New Employer
Company Name
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Request New Job Position
Job Position
Once we collect enough data, we'll add it to our database and make it available for all users.
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